Wednesday, November 30, 2011


     I like taking pictures of animals. It can be a bit tricky with my camera, though.

     Getting pictures of cattle isn't a difficult task. Getting them to stop staring at you and actually do something, can be a bit trickier. These bulls are just playing.

     Sometimes you just come across some animals by chance. These geese didn't want to give up the road and the gander (on the left) acted as if he was going to attack my car.

     Two things I like to photograph! An old building, and an animal. (See the kitty?)

     This Great Pyrenees was supposed to be fulfilling the role they were originally bred for. He found the sniffables far too interesting to keep up with the sheep, though.

     I'm not sure what kind of duck this is. (maybe an unusual colored Scaup...) At any rate, it seems odd for her (him?) to be all alone at this time of year. Maybe this is a good hiding spot, as it is hunting season. Don't worry, little duck, your secret is safe with me.

     Without a big 'ol telescopic lens it can be tricky to take pictures of animals. The generally don't like things that focus on them for too long. It's a pretty good survival technique. Still, they're one of my favorite photography subjects.

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