Monday, November 21, 2011

On Foot, On Monday

     This morning I decided to take my pictures on foot. A person doesn't necessarily have to travel far to get pictures.

     While it would seem that there's not much going on this morning, that would be just the people front. Still as a whole, I like pictures of big empty places.

     This little guy was hanging out under the ledge of a concrete ditch that had washed out. I wonder why he wasn't in a real burrow.

     Here you go: Still life. Ponds are art gold, but this is just a little sediment pond. If only I could paint.

     And to finish, as sunset. (A good way to finish.) Actually the sun has already set and this is more a picture of bright pink clouds. Pretty, yes?

     You'll all be very happy (I'm certain) to hear, that I'm pretty much all healed up so I'll be able to be out and about to take pictures. More tomorrow, so I'll see you then.


  1. Mark, thanks for the great pictures. One of your empty field reminds me of an empty sugar beet field in Germany, near Kitzingen, on the Main River, where farmers brought in their beets by the wagon load to be washed and weighed. We once drove over to Austria while I was in the Army and came upon some fields there that had a similar look to one of yours. Near the Slovenia border we went up a little road and I found a handmade wooden cane with an old rubber tip that was hanging up in a big tree. I brought it home and would like you to have it one day.

  2. You're too kind, Lee. Someday I hope to visit Slovenia myself.
